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4 Reasons LED Backlit Signs Are Great for Businesses

The sign you choose for your business doesn't just help customers identify you—it also acts as a statement of your brand and what it stands for. As such, it only makes sense to pick out the best type of sign to meet your needs, and LED backlit signs are ideal for a vast array of businesses thanks to the wide range of benefits they can offer.

Here are just four reasons why you should consider an LED backlit sign for your business.

1. Ideal Visibility

The most obvious benefit of backlit LED signs is the visibility they provide. Soft LED illumination will ensure your sign stays eye-catching and noticeable during night and day or periods of poor weather. That means you won't have to worry about people missing your business. Of course, other types of illuminated signs exist, but the soft lighting provided by LED bulbs offers a more modern and restrained aesthetic than options such as neon and fluorescent lighting.

2. Low Energy Consumption

One concern business owners often have about illuminated signage is the amount of energy that will be consumed. After all, it can really add up when the sign needs to be left on throughout the day and perhaps even into the night. This isn't something you need to worry about with LED signs since they are extremely efficient. Additionally, being backlit means less light is needed to create an impression. That's not just great for saving on your energy bills. Reduced energy consumption is also going to keep your business more eco-friendly.

3. Low Maintenance

One problem with more traditional illuminated signs is that they can burn out relatively fast and dim over time. However, that's not a problem with LED backlit signs. Replacements will need to be carried out very rarely since LED bulbs can last for years without ever dimming from peak brightness or developing dark spots. That means less time maintaining your sign and no chance of fading lighting making your business appear old or neglected.

4. Thin and Easy to Mount

Finally, keep in mind that LED backlit signs are some of the easiest illuminated signs to mount. Despite offering such a bold appearance, they are extremely thin and light. This makes them ideal for mounting in just about any location and will help if you ever need to change things around. This is because LED signs do not feature glass tubes as other illuminated signs do and can produce a lot of light from very small bulbs. 

For more information, contact a local signage company
