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4 Types of Acrylic Sheeting You Can Purchase

You might have decided that you want to use acrylic sheeting for your project, so you might be ready to purchase acrylic sheeting. You might like the fact that it's known for being durable and affordable, and you could be interested in buying it cut-to-size sheeting since you might know that many companies that sell this sheeting will, in fact, cut them to size for their customers. What you might not know is the type of acrylic sheeting that you want to buy, but you can choose from these four major types.


One of the most common types of acrylic sheets that you can choose from is clear acrylic. This type of acrylic sheeting is very popular as an alternative to glass since it's very transparent but is stronger and more durable than glass, while also being easier to work with and cut. Plus, in many cases, clear acrylic sheeting is more affordable than glass, too. Therefore, if you have been thinking about working with glass and are looking for a good alternative, you might want to look into clear acrylic sheeting.


Many people don't know about mirrored acrylic sheeting, but it's actually a great alternative to a regular mirror. Mirrored acrylic sheeting is not easily breakable like a mirror, but it provides the same mirrored finish that you have come to expect from glass. Therefore, if you need a mirror somewhere and want it to be durable, acrylic sheeting is a great choice.


Many people are surprised to find that they can purchase acrylic sheeting in all sorts of different colours. This can be great if you want to add some colour to your project and don't want to have to add paint or another finish yourself.


If you like frosted glass but again, want something that is more durable, then you could be wondering if you can add some type of coating to clear acrylic. Luckily, you don't have to since you can choose frosted acrylic sheeting instead.

Many people are surprised about the number of choices that they can pick from when purchasing acrylic sheeting, but as you can see, you do have quite a few different choices. Many companies will work with all of these different types of acrylic sheeting and will cut them to size for their customers, so you can pick the type of acrylic sheeting that you want, and you can determine the specifications that you want to have it cut to as well.

For more information, contact a company that supplies acrylic sheeting, such as cut-to-size Perspex sheeting.
